Our mission at baby gooroo is to give parents the knowledge and confidence they need to keep their babies healthy and safe.
In an effort to meet the needs of all parents, babygooroo.com provides a space where parents can come with questions and leave with answers. We focus on health, nutrition, and safety, with an emphasis on breastfeeding. Our content is science-based and thoroughly researched.
We’re here to help so please don’t hesitate to share your questions and concerns! You can reach us at info@babygooroo.com

Amy Spangler founded baby gooroo in 1987. Her career spans more than 40 years as a registered nurse, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and perinatal educator.
She began her career as a staff nurse in labor and delivery after earning a bachelor’s degree in nursing from The Ohio State University. While pursuing her master’s degree in maternal and infant health at the University of Florida, Amy worked in an OB/GYN clinic, educating expectant and new parents on pregnancy, birth, and parenting.
After relocating to Atlanta, Georgia in 1977, she served as perinatal education coordinator for an OB/GYN clinic for nearly 17 years and is currently a member of the adjunct faculty at Emory University School of Nursing.
Amy has been published in numerous medical journals, served as President of the International Lactation Consultant Association and Chair of the United States Breastfeeding Committee, and worked as a consultant with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in advocating for breastfeeding awareness and education throughout the general population. She has been a commentator for breastfeeding education and public policy on various news programs, including 20/20, Good Morning America, and ABC News Now.
Amy is the President and CEO of baby gooroo, however, feels her greatest role yet, has been as “Mom” to her two grown sons and “Grandma” to her grandson.

Statistics show that few mothers breastfeed exclusively and even fewer breastfeed for an extended period of time. In an effort to help mothers understand that breastfeeding is the normal way to feed a baby and to highlight the importance of mother’s milk, baby gooroo produces educational materials that give parents the knowledge and the confidence they need to achieve their breastfeeding goals. In 2009, baby gooroo expanded its product line to include a variety of baby soft products, each imprinted with an original baby animal design and an important message supporting breastfeeding (“Mom’s milk keeps me a-float!”). Visit our store where you can order breastfeeding books, bookmarks, brochures, DVDs, and an assortment of baby soft items, such as caps, bibs, and burp cloths.

Throughout her 40-year career, baby gooroo president, Amy Spangler, MN, RN, IBCLC, has authored numerous highly regarded books on breastfeeding and lectured extensively on the health of mothers, babies, and families. Her first book, Breastfeeding, A Parent’s Guide, was released in 1985 and has sold over a million copies. In 2010, this all-inclusive guide was released in its 9th edition, staying true to the “keep it simple” philosophy that has helped make Spangler’s books and products so popular with parents and health professionals.
All images—including photos, infographics and illustrations—found on babygooroo.com are copyrighted by baby gooroo or licensed from a stock agency, and cannot be reproduced on any other print or digital platform without permission. Please contact us at info@babygooroo.com regarding sources, copyrights, and usage.
Image Credits:
baby gooroo, babygooroo.com, Atlanta, GA, USA
Doug Jaeger, doctorjaeger.com, New York, NY, USA
Gary Sloan Studios, garysloan.com, Northborough, MA. USA
iStock, istockphoto.com, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Jeffrey Scott Franklin, New York, NY, USA
Jensen Larson Photography, jensenlarson.com, Orlando, FL, USA
Rick Powell, studiopowell.com, Montpelier, VT, USA
Thinkstock, thinkstockphotos.com, Seattle, WA, USA